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Atm Profit guide
Welcome to The Atm Profit Guide Start here!
Welcome step 1 Welcome Video
Welcome Step 2 Introduction to The ATM Profit Guide
Week 1 Setting up YOUR Business
Week 1: Step 1: Welcome to the ATM Profit Guide
Week 1: Step 2: Forms and Documents:
Week 1: Step 3: Building Your Business
Week 1: Step 4: Building Your Team
Week 1: Step 5: More Forms and Documents
Week 1: Step 6: Review
Week 2
Week 2: Step 1: Welcome to Week 2
Week 2: Step 2: Finding Locations
Week 2: Step 3: Surcharges
Week 2: Step 4: Profit Sharing
Week 2: Step 5: Talking to Business Owners
Week 2: Step 6: Recap
Week 3
Week 3: Step 1: Welcome Back
Week 3: Step 2: Funding Your ATM Business
Week 3: Step 3: How Many ATM Machines Do I Need?
Week 3: Step 4: How to Keep Cash In Your Machine
Week 3: Step 5: Advertising
Week 3: Step 6: How to Collect Your Money
Week 3: Step 7: Review
Week 4
Week 4: Course Review
Week 4: Contacts
Week 4: Installation Checklist
Week 4: Follow UP
BONUS: Video Vocab
Video Vocab series Welcome
Video Vocab Series #1 ATM Supplier
Vide Vocab Series #2 ATM Owner
Video Vocab Series #3 Atm Manufacturer
Video Vocab Series #4 (ATM Or Host) Processor
Video Vocab Series #5 (ACH) Automated Clearing House
Video Vocab Series #6 (ATM) Automated Teller Machine
Video Vocab Series #7 Cash Advance
Video Vocab Series #8 (ADA) Americans with Disabilities Act
Video Vocab Series #9 (CDU) Cash Dispensing Unit
Video Vocab Series #10 (ETF) Electronic Funds Transfer
Video Vocab Series #11 (ISO) Independent Sales Organization
Video Vocab Series #12 Interchange
Video Vocab Series #13 Interchange Fee
Video Vocab Series #14 Passive Income
Video Vocab Series #15 Site Location
BONUS: Scripts to Use When Talking to Business Owners
Scenario 1: They do not have an ATM Machine but have thought about getting one.
Scenario 2: They do not have an ATM Machine and have not thought about getting one
Scenario 3: They have thought about getting an ATM Machine but decided against it for Safety reasons
Scenario 4: Hotel Personnel
Scenario 5: They own their own ATM
Scenario 6: Another ATM Machine Owner's Machine is there but they do not pay Profit Sharing
Scenario 7: Another ATM Owner has a machine there and they are HAPPY with the service
Scenario 8: Another ATM Owner has a machine there and they are UNHAPPY with their service
BONUS: How to Manage Your ATMs
Initial Set Up of Your ATM Machine
Connecting Your Wireless Modem
Checking the Reject Bin
Creating Customer Receipts
Setting Up Surcharges
BONUS: Protecting Your Business
GPS Tracking
BONUS: ATM Maintenance and Repairs
Loading Receipt Paper
How to Load Cash Into Your ATM
BONUS: Equipment Resources
Supplies, Where to Get Them and Where to Store Them
Week 1: Step 6: Review
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